Register for this years Nelson Central Family Adventure
You can enter as a Family (max 2 adults & 3 children) as a Team (2-4 adults), a School team (4 children) or as an individual. Please read the waver/disclaimer before registering.
Online Registrations are now closed. You will need to register on the day at Nelson Central School from 9:30am in the front field.
Dates & Details
Sunday, 21 May 2023 -postponement date is in action!
Nelson Central School, 70 Nile St, Nelson
Restrictions: All Ages
Race check-in from 10:00 - 10:40am
Race briefing at 10:45am (2hr)
11.15 (1hr)
Race start at 11.00am (2hr)
11.30 (1hr)
Earlybird ticket prices:
$20.00 - Individual
$40.00 - Family
$40.00 - School Team
$80.00 - Corporate (2-4 adults)
Online registration ends:
Friday, 19 May
On the day registration prices
$20 - Individual
$40 - Family
$80 - Corporate (2-4 adults)
$40 - School Team (up to 4 school students)
$20pp- Adult Team
Postponement date:
Sunday, 21 May 2023